note: Yes, I have bumpers in her crib - no she is not sleeping in there. They're just for looks.
As for her birth story, I was due on February 10, but pretty convinced that I would have her on Friday the 13th! Although being late was slightly frustrating, I was so relieved when the 13th came and went and I didn't deliver her. On Saturday the 14th I was a bit crampy, but when I went to the hospital they determined I was not yet in labour.
That night, the cramps became regular - approximately every 15 minutes, although they did not increase in intensity. It was very different than with Nate because I was induced with him so I had no idea what I was waiting for this time. Throughout the night the cramps continued, but they didn't get closer together so I figured if anything it was false labour.
The next day, Sunday the 15th, I still had cramps every 15 minutes or so for most of the day. My parents and in laws decided to come up to visit Nate for the afternoon, and by about 3pm I noticed the cramps had gotten a bit more intense and were closer together - about every 7 or 8 minutes. I kept asking my dad how strong the cramps had to be before I was in labour because while these were uncomfortable they definitely weren't unbearable.
By 5pm Mario and I decided to go to the hospital just so they could check me out and confirm (once again - I felt like I had been there daily for a week) that I wasn't in labour. We left quickly without our bags or really saying goodbye to Nate. Once we got to the hospital the triage nurse assured me if I wasn't having "toe curling contractions" that I wasn't in labour. She did agree to have the doctor examine me though.
What a shock when the doctor checked me out and revealed that I was "almost 6 cm dilated". I panicked! This was not at all what I expected. I hadn't said goodbye to Nate, or prepared him that I would be away for a few days. I didn't have my cord blood kit, or any bags or clothes or anything!
Within an hour I was 10 cm dilated and fully effaced. I laboured for a while longer because the baby was still quite high. Shortly after 10pm the baby's heart rate dropped so the doctor decided to deliver her immediately. One push (and pull) and our precious, perfect little girl joined us! Lucy Maya was born at 10:32pm, weighing 7 lbs and measuring 20 inches.
I still can't believe it has been almost two weeks, although on the other hand, we can't imagine our life without her. Lucy completes our family perfectly. We love our little princess so much! The adjustment for Nate has been slow. He loves his sister, but was a bit upset with Mario and I for leaving him without explanation. I'm sure he's pretty much over it now, although he still doesn't like it if we leave the room. I guess it will just take some time for things to get back to normal.
At first we thought Lucy looked a lot like Nate, although we each passing day we realize that she really doesn't and that she has her own distinct little look. Nate looked just like Mario when he was born - we're not sure yet who Lucy looks like. Maybe just herself!
A big thank you to all of our friends and family who have sent flowers, gifts and well wishes for our ladybug as well as for Nate. We really appreciate it, and are so blessed to have such wonderful kind people in our lives!
Welcome my sweet Lucy. We've wanted you for as long as we can remember and love you more than we ever thought possible.